Friday 26 September 2014

Diving into the world of Minimalism.

Recently I discovered the lifestyle/movement known as 'Minimalism'. 

I came across the blog 'The Minimalists' quite a while ago but it didn't hit home. Recently however, I've had two monumental shifts in my life and I've really been looking for some answers. These guys have now struck a cord for me. 

'The Minimalists' (Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus ) have dramatically stripped back their life, they own only what they really need and through their journey have found real happiness. 

I've watched and read so much about organising, but when I explored the minimalist vlogs and blogs it made me realise: If I edit out everything we don't really need I wouldn't need to be organising so much stuff. And it could make me relaxed and really happy. 

So here I go, this is my first week of working towards a more minimalist lifestyle, and I already nearly halved my wardrobe and chest of draws. (I had a lot of totally useless clothes). Bags of clothes for donation and others for the bin. 

To what degree do you become a minimalist?
I live with my husband and our baby and so my intention is that it really impacts me the most, my husband so far is along for the ride but probably not to the degree of where I want to get to, but thats totally fine. I don't like to overbuy for our baby, so its unlikely to impact him too much. We also utilize a toy library so that's really helpful. 

333 Challenge?
The 333 Capsule Wardrobe challenge is inspiring and actually something I'm inspired to work towards but for me this isn't a game or another source of pressure. Its just going to be a way of living. 

A different way of thinking about buying.
Already my way of thinking has shifted and I've become really aware of how I have been with buying goods. I have looked back at some of my shopping experiences and realised I've just looked for things to buy, rather than having items I need and looking for them. 

The next step?
Firstly - Continue to edit out any items I don't need.
Secondly - I've discovered the capsule wardrobe, which is a great idea. Having a workable wardrobe of clothes which all work really well together, but a limited amount. Only what you really need. 

My favourite way of shopping is researching online  and then buying in store. (Researching shops in my local shopping centre). I have my list and I know what Im going to spend and I head out to the store and try on the outfit and buy. Yes I actually buy in store. I don't want to return items. I want the right size and make sure it actually looks good on me. 

Its online research time!

Wish me luck!